The Soldier and The Smuggler (A Star Wars Story)

A long time ago
in a galaxy far far away,
the rebel forces fought for freedom
on the forest moon of Endor.
Amidst the phasers, lasers, and light sabers,
the smuggler said “I love you,”
the soldier said “I know.”
The force was strong in her father, in her brother, in her son,
in her…
But a new Republic needs its chief
and a nerf herder needs his nerf
(and wookie).
They were destined for a life less ordinary.
No seasons or sunsets on Tatooine.
The soldier and the smuggler fought.
They loved and fought some more,
and grieved.
no matter how much they fought,
she always hated to watch him leave.
And that’s why he did it.
So she’d miss him,
and she did.